Invertebrados no Walt Disney World Resort
Os invertebrados não são apenas insetos, mas também camarões, caranguejos-ferradura, estrelas-do-mar, corais, mariscos e muitos outros. These tough creatures perform vital jobs that help keep humans alive: pollinating plants, controlling pest populations, keeping soil healthy and forming an integral link in food webs by land and sea.
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Seja em nossos jardins de polinização ou miniecossistemas, os invertebrados adoram fazer parte da família Disney.
Here’s where to find them at Walt Disney World Resort:
Conservation Station at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park, where you may spy some scorpions and spiders.
The Seas with Nemo & Friends at EPCOT, home to corals, clams, cuttlefish and other aquatic invertebrates.
Through the Wilderness Explorers experience at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park. Learn about invertebrates as you earn your insect badge!
Gardens around the Resort, which attract butterflies, bees and other pollinators.
Preservação da Disney: Salvando os invertebrados
A Walt Disney empresa tem o compromisso de salvar a vida selvagem e a proteção da magia da natureza como comunidade global.
Since 1995, the Disney Conservation Fund* has helped protect butterflies across the United States through collaboration with nonprofit organizations leading efforts to restore habitats, breed and reintroduce imperiled butterfly species into the wild. Additionally, Disney’s animal care experts and conservationists have helped marine invertebrates globally, including taking action to study and restore coral reefs.